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Treat your body with the care of nature
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we ensure our patients are enriched and awakened both mentally and spiritually.
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we ensure our patients are enriched and awakened both mentally and spiritually.
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About Jaya Ayurveda Clinic

Jaya Ayurveda Clinic is focused on giving treatment based on traditional systems of Nadi pareeksha and medicine that has survived and flourished from ages till date. Jaya Ayurveda Clinic aims at getting rid of diseases, preventing its future occurrence and ensuring overall well-being with its holistic approach and natural methods. The treatment works towards a permanent cure and attack the root cause of the problem, as its objective is not just restoring health but also to create balance in the body. Jaya Ayurveda Clinic treats each individual based on its own unique body constitution like the thumbprint. The treatment is given based on three body types that include mental, physical and emotional aspects. These are known as ‘doshas’ in Ayurvedic scriptures. These Doshas are further classified as Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

Ayurvedic Principles

Bheshaja-Medical management KsharaSutra -medicated caustic thread Kshara karma-Application of Caustic alkaline paste Agnikarma-Cauterization Shastra karma-Para surgical and surgical procedures.

Doctor's Profile

  • Dr.Deepashree Ramu is most successful Ayurveda practitioner in Bangalore since 2002. She has achieved the Best Doctors Award in 2021 in treating the Covid patients.
  • She holds BAMS doctorate from SDMCA, Hassan and a Diploma in Clinical Research from Cranfield University. She has demonstrated continuous growth in medical services, achievements.
  • She has Extensive experience in Nadi Pareeksha and demonstrated experience/ knowledge of Ayurvedic medicines, medical ethics and law.  She has never prescribed a single allopathic medicine to any of her patients.
  • Why Choose Us?

    "We ensure our patients are enriched and awakened both mentally and spiritually".

    Highly Experienced Doctors

    Success Rate of Healing

    Supportive Environment

    Vata is the force that holds together space and air elements.
    Pitta is the force that holds together fire and water element.
    Kapha is the force that holds together earth and water element.
    In Ayurveda every patient is evaluated based on certain parameters to determine their Prakriti (nature) and treated based on their individual body type.

    Health is not the opposite of sickness,
    Health is our natural state of being.

    It is the balance of body, mind and environment. And Ayurveda is the journey towards this balance. Here, sickness is a detour, not a pill. It diagnoses who we are going through. It is a practice that demands that we work with it If we want it to work for us. It is a study of how the enivironment is us. And we are the environment. It is the science of the life force of us as beings: Being Balanced, Being Healthy, Being One With Self.

    Jaya Ayurveda Clinic treats following


    Hair Diseases

    Khalitya(Alopecia), Palitya(Premature greying of Hair), Darunaka(Dandruff) can be treated with modalities like Siraveda (Blood- letting)

    Hepatitis - Jaundice

    A comprehensive liver tonic, bhumyalaki is effective in all kinds of liver disorders. It gives relief in case of all the symptoms of jaundice.

    Impaired Liver Function

    Liver failure occurs when your liver isn't working well enough to perform its functions (for example, manufacturing bile and ridding your body of harmful substances).

    Peadiatric Diseases

    It is that part of Ayurveda, which deals with child-rearing, childhood illness, and treatment. Komar Bhritya = Komar +Bhritya. Komar (Kumar) is a title by which a child is addressed.

    Menopausal Disorders

    Medicated enemas (Vasti) are administered for calming down the aggravated vata doshas and apana vata which become disordered during menopause.

    Prostate Enlargement

    Khalitya(Alopecia), Palitya(Premature greying of Hair), Darunaka(Dandruff) can be treated with modalities like Siraveda (Blood- letting)

    Menstrual Disorders

    menstrual disturbances as per Ayurveda which mainly arises due to the vitiation of Vata Dosha, Rakta Dhatu Dushti and blockage of Artavavahi srotas./p>

    Urinary Stones

    Ayurvedic herbs such as Shigru, Varuna, and Bakul can help manage kidney stones.

    Urinary Tract Infections

    Punarnava includes the herb Boerhavia diffusa, which enhances its diuretic properties and expedites the healing of urinary infections.

    Renal Conditions

    The main treatments are: lifestyle changes – to help you stay as healthy as possible. medicine – to control associated problems, such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

    Bronchial Asthma

    t leads to recurrent episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, tightness of chest and cough particularly at night or early morning

    Osteo Porosis

    The “Ayurvedic Approach” to preventing and treating osteoporosis involves restoring balance to all three doshas, and most particularly pacifying Vata energy.

    Jaya Ayurveda Clinic aims at getting rid of diseases, ensuring overall well-being with its holistic approach and natural methods. 


    Jaya Ayurveda Clinic is focused on giving treatment based on traditional systems of Nadi pareeksha and medicine that has survived and flourished from ages till date. Jaya Ayurveda Clinic aims at getting rid of diseases, preventing its future occurrence and ensuring overall well-being. With its holistic approach and natural methods.



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