



This means that the human being is considered to be completely healthy only when the body constituents namely “tridoshas”, seven “dhathus”, “Agni”, effluents like three “malas”, athma, “Panchendriyas” and “manas” are all in equilibrium state. This shows that Ayurveda has given equal importance to mind, body and soul white treating the patient. The truth is always very simple. Likewise, the basic principles of ayurveda are very simple to understand.


Vata is the force that holds together space and air elements.
Pitta is the force that holds together fire and water element.
Kapha is the force that holds together earth and water element.
In Ayurveda every patient is evaluated based on certain parameters to determine their Prakriti (nature) and treated based on their individual body type.


It is proposed that hypertension is to be understood as the Prasara-Avastha which means spread of vitiated Doshas from their specific sites, specifically of Vyana Vata, Prana Vata, Sadhaka Pitta and Avalambaka Kapha along with Rakta in their disturbed states.

Paralysis - Stroke treatment

Paralysis in Ayurveda is called as Pakshaghat which is one of the Vata vyadhis mentioned in the classical texts. Ayurvedic treatment for Paralysis consists of several types of massages that relax the muscles and stimulate nerves.

Mental Disorders

The combination of the three gunas, tridosha, and panchabhuta, inherited at birth indicates an individual's called Prakriti. The dynamic balance of these above elements creates a good mental health..


oga offers an ancient yet amazingly modern approach to the treatment of seizures. In Ayurveda, epilepsy is called apasmara, meaning loss of consciousness of the body.

Stress - Anxiety

Ksheerabala thailam and Manasamithra vatakam can help manage stress. Yoga poses such as hero pose, tree pose, leg up the wall pose, and Sun salutation can help relieve stress.


According to the teachings of Ayurveda, most of the chronic conditions, including insomnia, are triggered by a build-up of impurities in the body.

Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is referred to as Vata Prameha. It crops up because of an imbalance in the Vata Dosha (one of the three functional energies in the body).


In Ayurveda, Atisthaulya (Obesity) is described as excessive accumulation of Meda (fat/adipose tissue) and Mamsa (flesh/muscle tissue) leading to flabbiness of hips, abdomen, and breast.


According to Ayurveda, cancer is a tridoshic disorder which has the capacity to spread due to the interplay of abnormal vata, pitta, and kapha.

Joint Disorders

*Ayurvedic oils that can help manage joint pain are: mahanarayan taila, nirgundi taila, kottamchukkadi tailam, sahacharadi tailam, dhanwantaram tailam, etc.


Ayurveda defines gout as “Vata Rakta”, meaning a disease that develops from vitiated vata doshas (bodily energy composed of air elements) and rakta dhatu (blood tissues)..

Frozen Shoulder

'Apabahuka' is the term for frozen shoulder in Ayurveda. It usually affects amsa sandhi and is produced by Vata dosha.


The disease is characterized by stiffness, pain and pricking sensation initially at the hip and gradually radiating towards waist, back, thigh, knee and calf region along with frequent pulsation at these sites.


Ayurveda Panchakarma therapies for treating cervical spondylosis include Abhyanga swedam, Elakizhi, Nasyam, Shirovasti or shirodhara, Sarvangadhara, Greeva vasti, Navara kizhi, Pizhichil etc to relieve pain.

Osteo Arthritis

Sandhigata Vata means the invasion and localisation of morbid Vata or Vayu in the joints of the body thereby producing pain, swelling and disturbed movements.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Ayurvedic practitioners use Ayurveda to treat rheumatoid arthritis (RA), which they call “amavata.” Ayurvedic treatment can include supplements, dietary changes, and exercise.

Respiratory Disorders

In Ayurveda the functions of Prana Vayu is held responsible for the pro- cess of respiration in human body. The channels or tracts (Srotas) in which Pranav- ayu flows are called Pranavaha Srotas.


Ayurveda describes tonsillitis as Galaayu, which results due to impaired digestion. Poor digestion, in turn, may weaken the immune system .

Eye diseases

. Ayurvedic procedures help to control the intraocular pressure and thus clear the obstruction in the flow of eye fluid.

Diseases of the Ear, Nose

A traditional Ayurvedic treatment for ear ailments, Karnapoorana literally means filling the ears.

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